Monday, October 29, 2012

APOD 2.1 The Medusa Nebula

APOD 2.1 The Medusa Nebula

    The Medusa Nebula is in the constellation Gemini and is named after Medusa because of the lines which resemble braids glowing in the center of the image.  Spanning about 4 million light years and located about 1,500 light years away from us, this nebula is also known as Abell 21.  Medusa is a character from Greek mythology who is a monster with snakes for hair.  When someone looked her in the eye, they would turn to stone.  This nebula is an example of a planetary nebula which is formed when the center of a star heats excessively and the outer portion of the star is "blown away" in a stellar wind.  The glowing effect we see is a result of the heat generated by the star and the ultraviolet radiation it is emitting.  This star is transforming from a red giant, a star in a fairly late stage of its life, into a hot white dwarf star.     

1 comment:

  1. I would have never guessed that the light was originating from a star...(I was actually). For some strange reason I keep feeling as if your posts keep getting smaller and smaller. Good job?
