Thursday, October 4, 2012

APOD 1.6 Stars In a Dusty Sky

Stars In a Dusty Sky: 28 September 2012

    The bright star in the upper right corner of this image is Markab, otherwise known as Alpha Pegasi.  This means "the horse's sholder" in Arabic and is part of the Great Square in Pegasus.  According to myth, Pegasus was born from Medusa when she was decapitated.  Blue reflection nebulae are also visible in the image.  Blue reflection nebulae are clouds of interstellar dust; visible because of their reflection of nearby stars's light.  Near the center of this picture, the distant edge-on spiral NGC 7497 can be seen.  This is a spiral galaxy.  I found this photo interesting because of the blue reflection nebulae and the extremely bright star in the upper right (Markab).

1 comment:

  1. Would ya look at that! This is quite interesting because I know Pegasus is a horse and I don't see the resemblence. It is also very pleasing to look at aesthetically. I also find the word Markab enjoyable to say.
