Friday, May 17, 2013

Observations for the Week

These observations were made at various times between May 10th and 18th.  They total three hours.

During this time, the moon appeared to be in its waxing crescent phase.  Because of this, it did not create too much light as to interfere with my observations.  Early in the evening on the 10th, the moon was very low in the sky and was close to the planet Venus.

I used my knowledge of constellations to identify stars and the areas constellations would occupy if they were more clearly visible.  I saw Arctures, in the constellation Bootes, easily.  I found this by "following the arc to Arctures" from Ursa Major.  Orion was visible and using my phone I was able to discern which star was Beetlegeuse and Rigel.  Leo was also visible at times.  I found Capella, in the constellation Auriga as well.

I made these observations from my yard in Venice so there was some light pollution from the park near my house earlier in the evenings.

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