Friday, March 22, 2013

Observation 2: Astronomy Cast

Ep. 285  How the World Will Really End

Ep. 285 How the World Will Really End

    The most current theory of how the world will end is regarding a rogue planet which is said to be coming near the Earth which will change the magnetic fields of the Earth and have catastrophic effects.  This theory is "backed up" by a painting by the Mayans which contains an extra planet.  This is called the "rogue planet theory."  The flaws in this theory include the fact that if an object the size of Earth were somewhere close enough in space to be approaching Earth in the near future, it would be able to be seen with binoculars or even the naked eye.  It also would have most likely moved the moon if it were coming very soon and was in close proximity to the Earth.  
    Another theory regards the sun and says that the Sun will become very highly active and will "roast" the Earth.  The Sun has been observed in the past to have gone through periods of various activity levels and, obviously, the Earth has not been destroyed.  Solar flares could change the magnetic field and knock out power.  Also, some solar flares have "killed" satellites, disrupting telecommunications.  The only thing which is likely to be affected on Earth is electricity.  
    Planets are rumored to be "lining up" in the near future over the pyramids.  The power of gravity is believed by some to be able to affect the Earth.  In 1999, this lining up did occur but the gravitational pull is not nearly strong enough to affect anything on Earth.  
    During December, the Sun is "lined up" with the center of the galaxy as it is in the constellation Sagittarius.  This does not have large gravitational effects as some claim it would.  Another common worry is about tiny black holes which could be formed and "eat" the Earth.  This will not occur in a short amount of time because even if a tiny black hole was at the center of the Earth, it would not destroy the planet in a reasonable amount of time (other methods will most likely destroy the world first).
    The most likely way the Earth would end is a comet collision.  Again, this would be seen in advance and many people would know about it before it occurred.

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