Saturday, December 15, 2012

Quarter 2 Biography Sources

Nevil Maskelyne:
(This website contains information about all the papers and research which Maskelyne kept.)
(The sources at the bottom of this page will be helpful, especially the three articles which can probably be located online.)

Friday, December 7, 2012

APOD 2.6 Earth at Night

7 Dec 2012 Earth at Night
See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

This image is a combination of pictures taken over 9 days in April and 13 days in October of 2012.  There is no cloud coverage blocking any portion of this image which took 312 orbits to acquire.  The technology used to take these pictures is known as VIIRS which is a radiometer and is the most advanced piece of technology used to date to collect this type of nighttime image.  
I found this image very interesting because it shows the concentrations of cities and clearly demonstrates which countries use the most power at night and contribute the most to the growing problem of light pollution.  The Eastern portion of the United States as well as parts of Europe and China seem to be lit up the most.  I have seen similar images of Earth from space at night but never with this much clarity and detail.  
This image is obviously superior to past night-time images of the Earth which can be viewed here:

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Planning for Observation Session on 12/9

1.  M29 the "Cooling Tower"  open cluster in Cygnus
2.  NGC 6995 in Cygnus (nebula)
3.  Dumbell Nebula in Vulpecula (M27)
4.  NGC 205 (M110) Galaxy
5.  Saturn Neblua (C55)
6.  M32 Galaxy in Andromeda
7.  NGC 6738 Star Group
8.  Blue Snowball Nebula C22
9.  the "double double" we viewed last stargazing session
10.  Coat Hanger Cluster